* All blog posts are written by Jamie Chong-You unless otherwise noted.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Stir it Up

I wanted to take a little time to share a recap of what we talked about on Tuesday night's devotion regarding stirring up love and good works toward one another. Hebrews 10:24-25 tells us as members of God's family that we ought to consider one another in order to stir up love and good works and not forsake the assembling of ourselves together. In a day when so many people take their friends and family for granted, we as God's ambassadors should be doing the opposite. When the world often looks to relationships for what they can get, we should look for what we can give. When the world loves if it's convenient, we should love unconditionally. When the world says, "someone should serve me", we should say, "who can I serve." These are just a few examples of the way in which we as children of God, saved by grace, redeemed unto greatness and called according to His purpose should conduct ourselves. Not as the world, but as Christ. Let's look at our times together as times of serving and loving one another and not as another thing to check off of the busy list. Let's realize that God has set us in family and appreciate and cherish it.

So I encourage you today to stir up the gifts of love and service one to another and never take for granted when we come together. It is truly a great time where God orders His blessing (Psalm 133) as we walk in the unity of the faith.

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