Humility (hyōō-mĭl'ĭ-tē) - the quality or condition of being Humble (Marked by meekness or modesty in behavior, attitude, or spirit; not arrogant or prideful..).
This characteristic is not very common in our society, but it's a precious attribute in the Kingdom of God. Not valued among many famous, wealthy or noteworthy, but it's what produces fame and exaltation according to God's standard. In James 4:6 (KJV) we are reminded that God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. We can often be tempted to find justifications for areas of pride in our lives, but the reality is that any measure of pride, puts us at odds with our Father in Heaven. Our aim should be to always walk in a posture of humility in order to remain in right relationship with Him.
It's essential to realize that humility is an integral part of our lives as believers. We are restored to Him by the sacrifice that Christ made, through humility. We approach Him with humility. We continue to commune with Him and have relationship with a posture of humility. And we continue to bow before Him in worship with a heart of humility. Yes, the point is quite clear that if we want to remain close to the Father and in His will, humility is paramount. It's of such great importance that in 1 Peter 5:5 we are encouraged to be 'clothed in humility.' The lack of this priceless characteristic was the very thing that got Lucifer thrown out of Heaven. Though rebellion was the outward action, as is often the case for us as humans, pridefulness is what solidifies that rebellion leading to death; wherever pride resides, humility is not at home. In Lucifer's case, rather than being humble, he chose to position himself to say, 'I know better than God.' This is exactly what he deceived Adam and Eve into and exactly what he tries to tempt us with today. When we knowingly choose another way than the way of the Lord in any area, we effectively say, 'I know better than God' and we then take the position of pride that causes us to be at odds with the Father. Thankfully, in His infinite grace and mercy, He promises in His word that He will correct us as a Father does to the son whom he loves (Proverbs 3:11-12). We can therefore take comfort in knowing that the Holy Spirit will always be there to guide us into all truth just as Jesus promised (John 16:13).
It's not always a fun posture, but bowing to the Lord in humility is key to continuing in Him. It's in that place that we die to ourselves and live to Him. It's in that place of humbly surrendering to Him that we live out the reality that His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9). In essence we say, 'You are greater than me, You know better than me, and I only have significance in You.' As true worshippers let us always remember that although God resists the proud, He gives grace to the humble.